Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming wedding!
If you attend Mass at Holy Family but have not registered, or wish to update information given at the time of registration, the parish office will be glad to assist you. To be considered for the parishioner rate, you must have been registered at least six months before scheduling your wedding. If you are not registered here, permission to marry outside your regular parish may be granted to non-parishioners under one or more of the following conditions:
Please speak with the office staff or the pastor if any of the above applies. Because non-parishioners do not contribute to the financial or ongoing spiritual life of the parish, they are assessed a higher facility fee than the standard parishioner rate.
Mindful of the teachings of the Church, cohabiting couples are asked to separate during the marriage preparation period. Those who continue to live together will not be denied the Sacrament of Marriage, but their wedding is to be a simple ceremony involving the priest, the couple and two witnesses. Con-validations (marriage within the church after the civil wedding) are treated in a similar way. If you have questions concerning this policy or wish to discuss your particular situation with the pastor, please call for an appointment.
Read our wedding guidelines at our office, and please do not hesitate to call at (907)276-3455 if you have further questions. We look forward to assisting you, and wish you many blessings on your engagement and future married life.