Altar Server Contact
Dave Van Tuyl, 907-561-3520
Dominican Rite: Jason Fouch, 907-903-7965
The altar server has a privileged place in the Mass, for it is not only a duty but a great honor. They experience very closely at hand that Jesus Christ is present during consecration. No other lay person gets to be that close to Jesus!
Servers assist the priest and deacon during the celebration of the liturgy on Sunday and holy days. Open to children in the third grade and up. Training provided.
Time commitment: Beginner one-hour training with periodic follow up classes. Average monthly commitment is 2 hours; more often during the Advent, Christmas, Lenten and Easter seasons.
What is required?
What is required for the Dominican Rite server?
Art & Environment • Contact Florence Ward, 907-243-3091
The main mission of this ministry is to prepare for the community’s creative and unique environments for liturgical celebrations of the sacraments, providing and enhancing the context for prayer and reflections. Members meet several times a year to plan, prepare, and execute all the activities associated with the rotating liturgical seasons. Please contact the Cathedral Environment team if you wish to become involved in this important ministry.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion • Contact Marianne Berus, 907-248-4707
The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EM) assists the priest and deacons with distribution of Holy Communion. Selection is by application and appointment and is open to confirmed members of our community. Training is provided. If you have a deep appreciation and love for the Eucharist and are in good standing with the Catholic Church, please consider this ministry.
Time commitment: A one-hour certification training with periodic follow up classes. Average monthly commitment is 2 hours; more often during the Advent, Christmas, Lenten and Easter seasons. You may have frequent opportunities to serve with the Archbishop throughout the year as he often celebrates Mass at the Cathedral!
Certification: 3 years
Qualifications for EMs
Lectors • Contact Marianne Berus, 907-248-4707
Through this ministry, God’s living Word continues to be proclaimed to His people. Persons who can speak distinctly and address the Assembly in a convincing manner are eligible to be lectors. Training sessions and workshops for lectors are provided throughout the year. The Diocese requires a preparation workshop for those interested in this ministry.
Music Ministry • Contact Kathleen MacLean, 970-213-9257
The primary focus of the Cathedral music program is to support the assembly at liturgy in the singing of the hymns and responses, and to lift their hearts and minds through the great tradition and heritage of music that belongs to the Church. Please contact the Cathedral Music Director if you wish to become involved in this important ministry.
Sacristans • Contact Church Office, 907-276-3455
Sacristans are the eyes and ears for the smooth flow of our liturgical celebrations. They assist us with their attentive skill; their flexible nature and their ability to make decisions during liturgy that do not draw attention to themselves. We are grateful for their dedication.
Ushers • Contact Parish Office, 907-276-3455
The main purpose of an usher at Holy Family Old Cathedral is that of hospitality; greeting, seating, assisting and collections. Ushers provide the service of making parishioners and guests feel welcome and comfortable as we gather for our Eucharistic celebration. Ushers experience the presence of Christ in each person they encounter.
Time commitment: 15 minutes before and after Mass as well as during Mass.
Qualifications: This ministry is open to all parishioners: men and women, senior citizens, parents and teenagers. Ushers are friendly people who welcome all ages and nationalities. Their faith enables them to see Christ’s presence in individuals and in the gathered community of believers. Ushers are honest and dependable. They can handle emergency situations with courage and composure. They carry a dignity about themselves even when performing menial tasks.
Those duties include: